Generate NanoID 🪪

If you want to generate multiple IDs at once, please use the range slider below.

Each time you click the button, new IDs are generated.

About NanoID

NanoID is a lightweight and customizable library that generates compact and unique identifiers. It offers options to modify the identifier's alphabet and specify a desired size, providing flexibility to suit various needs. NanoID's small code footprint and URL-friendly output make it an efficient solution for generating unique identifiers in different applications and environments.

Features of NanoID

  • Small size: Generates compact identifiers, typically consisting of 21 characters, making them efficient in terms of storage and transmission.
  • Lightweight: Designed to be a lightweight solution, with a small code footprint and minimal dependencies, making it suitable for various applications and environments.
  • Randomness: It uses random or pseudo-random values to ensure a high level of uniqueness without relying on external factors such as timestamps or MAC addresses.
  • Customizability: Allows for customization by offering options such as changing the identifier's alphabet or defining a specific size, providing flexibility to suit different requirements.
  • URL-friendly: URL-friendly identifiers that can be easily used within URLs without the need for encoding or decoding.