Generate CUID 🪪

If you want to generate multiple IDs at once, please use the range slider below.

Each time you click the button, new IDs are generated.

About CUID

Eric Elliott developed a method called CUID (Collision Resistant Unique Identifier) to generate unique identifiers. The main objective behind this approach is to create IDs that are unique and suitable for web applications, particularly in terms of facilitating horizontal scaling and optimizing sequential lookup performance.

Features of CUID

  • Uniqueness: Globally unique, minimizing the chances of generating duplicate identifiers.
  • Sequential lookup performance: Optimized for efficient sequential lookup, allowing for quick retrieval and indexing of related data.
  • Horizontal scaling support: Facilitate horizontal scaling by enabling distributed systems to generate IDs without central coordination.
  • Compactness: Relatively short alphanumeric strings, making them efficient in terms of storage and transmission.
  • URL-friendly: Designed to be easily incorporated into URLs without the need for encoding or decoding.